Saturday, November 26, 2005

Something Strange

In a bizzare twist of events, some marked term papers have been stolen from outside one of my lecturer's office. As it happens, one of them was mine. I had a right good laugh at that - who in the world would want to steal a term paper? Myself, I was quite happy to see the backend of it - it is always mortifiying (for me, at least) to re-read the things you have written - especially at 5 am after a whole night writing - and reading your lecturer's comments on them. Ha. Well, admittedly, this paper did quite well, despite my certainty that it sucked. So much for premonition. On the other hand, a presentation that I thought sucked, tanked. So, it's a 50-50 premonition, also known as probabilities. Oh, another paper and presentation did well despite expectations too - so it's more of 75-25. My premonition is on the losing side. Just as well since it tended towards pessimism.

I have been trying to be optimistic these days. I know, I am a very negative person. So, now, I'm trying to be a happier person by reminding myself that at 23, I have accomplished two of my life's goals:
1. Live in a foreign country.
2. Go to Spain.
It is really working, so far. Whenever I feel any negative feelings about anything, a timely reminder dispels them. Except rage. That, "positive vibes" don't work. Maybe it really is all in the mind. :D

2 more exams to goooooooo........

Friday, November 25, 2005

Unforgivable sin

"I have always thought that friendship is one of the most wonderful things. Even though friends don't agree, they accept. They forgive (and forget, though at times, forgetting takes a longer time). They may not meet everyday, every week, ever month, but when they do, things just continue where they left off.. They will be there when you really need them. At times, they can even sense that there is something wrong with you and will drop all other things just to talk or meet up, and be there. Even after you make stupid mistakes in your life, friends are willing to still hang around. Even if you refused to heed their advice and as a result, fall, they'd still continue to catch you. Even after you have disappointed them and you came saying you need help, they'd still want to help. That's what friendship is about and more... Sigh, maybe too idealistic but let me look at it that way. Anyway, just to say thank you to all my friends."

That was what Ain had to say about friendship. Very nicely put, I thought (so much so that I actually quoted the whole chunk. There's more but check out her blog yourself, if interested). It is interesting to see her perspective on things, mainly because I (at least) can see how her philosophy on friendship translates to her actions. She is a good friend, not just to me, but to many people. Always remembers people's birthdays, to invite them for stuff, listens when they talk...that sort of thing. Me, I am more of the "select few" kind of girl - those I really like, I treat really well. Those I dislike I leave alone. Thing that struck me with her entry was that Ain would forgive and forget, but me, I don't. I'm not talking about the petty things - I'm talking about being dumped by a friend.

I think everyone have had an experience of being dumped by a friend. You know how it is, all of a sudden, they stop returning your calls, forgetting appointments...and not because of a fall-out. In fact, you wouldn't even know WHY they dumped you. They just disappear.

This is a whack at catharsis, I suppose. It has been a year and a half since my wedding and I am still bitter about it. I had gone out of my way to invite a certain person to my wedding - I had invited very few people to begin with - arranged to meet (a couple of times, geez, that should have tipped me off), and personally handed the invite to her. She did not turn up. Subsequently, she had never contacted me (which was just as well for her. Ha.). I suppose I should have known, the signs of withdrawal had been going on well before this. But this is someone whom I had thought to be a very good friend and I just did not want to see them, maybe. It just pisses me off to know that I was just someone convinient, handy for the moment but not after. She had not been beyond asking me for help, many times appealing to that notion of friendship. You know, if it really was for fun (and hell, there have been many friends who had been just that), it's fine, really. Everyone knows the other is in it for short-term, a transitory bond forged by laughter and pleasure. Clear and above-board. But when you have expected and been given help through the shitty times, calling in not a favour but friendship, you have revoked the "dumping" right. I am more outraged that she could expect real friendship but did not want to return it. It's just not cricket.

People's reactions to this situation is quite interesting - some start blaming themsleves, wondering if they are not interesting enough, some will forgive and wait until the person comes back (if ever) and some will never forgive and cut off all ties, even if they come crawling back. Guess which category I'm in. Ha ha.

I suppose for me, given I have very few friends to start with anyway, I expect a certain degree of reciprocity in my friendships. My own basic rule of friendship - you do not screw your friend over. But if friendship (and love) is supposed to be unselfish, should there be that expectation? I really like the way Ain views friendship - but I can't be that better person to forgive when wronged.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Tongue in cheek....

Why women should wear the hijab

1. We are such horny buggers, we need YOUR help, dear, dear sisters in Islam. *leer*.

2. We need an easy way of telling whom to marry without having to go through the hassle of getting to know you personally

3. Because that’s our honour you are protecting!!!! Oops. We meant your honour. That’s right…Yours. Not ours. Typo, typo.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Till death do us part

Have been studying the whole day. Wah! Okay, it is an amazing fact because 1. it's near exams and I never study before exam 2. it's reading week - which means TV week, and that leads me to 3. I'm a lazy bugger. :D Not really true when compared to my sister, but so true when compared to some of my NUS mates.

Having exerted myself thus, I took a wee break and watched "A walk to remember". An old(ish) movie with Shane West and Mandy Moore, based on the novel by Nicholas Sparks. A smidgen of saccharine and buckets of tears (Shane West cries A LOT in this show). I do not have any particular musings actually, despite the title of the post.

What has been on my mind these days, despite of the looming exams, is my perpetual quandry. To continue or not to continue, that is the question (Oh, good God, hokey unoriginal quotations!). Well, hokey or not, that is still the question. I hate uncertainty, and since life is full of uncertainty, I hate life. Ha ha. That was utter bollocks. Right, sidetrack aside. I loathe NUS. I'm bored most of the time - is this what I really want to do? Then again, do I dare be one of those crazy people who actually dare to quit? (Hey, a double dare!) Although technically, it's not such a great risk since I actually have my B.A.; just missing four letters after it, that's all.

Perhaps it is a sign of mental illness (heh), but I find myself always wishing for pat endings. A storybook life. Wouldn't that be nice? But in wishing for what might have been and wondering about what would be, do I miss out on the present? There is a beautiful Arabic saying Nazir has quoted to me:

"The past has gone and the future is unknown. But for you is the present that you inhabit."

Very apt.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Un Dia Normal

The title's Spanish for "A normal day". Not being yaya papaya - thought the sentiment was appropriate and the title fitting for I had managed to find "Un Dia Normal" by Juanes. :D Tonight, Nazir and I went to my aunt's with my family (one of the few, few houses I am visiting this raya - it doesn't feel like Raya with these darned exams) and Nazir's cousin's. Then, because I was feeling antsy, Nazir drove me to Borders where I was thrilled to find both Juanes CDs I was looking for (abovementioned and "Fijate Bien") and also, Alejandro Sanz's "El alma al aire". Sanz has such a great voice - I fell in love with his voice when I heard "La Tortura" (in Shakira's "Fijacion Oral"). Knew about him before but had not had the impetus to get any of his stuff till now.

I had also managed to cut my readings in half - by reading! Ha ha.

Taking exams, reading, studying are all very strange to me still. A thousand wishes... all of them contradictory (err...that how you spell it? It looks funny but am too damn sleepy to check).

In the morning , watched Dirty Dancing 2: Havana Nights (again! Te quiero, Diego Luna! Ha ha. Not. Just the dancing) with....MY MUM. Who basically laughed; she thinks there's something funny about dancing in general. Still, it was fun to have Mummy-daughter bonding. Must think of something catchier than that - something like "sisterly bonding".

Today is a good normal day. :D

Friday, November 11, 2005

Of the few poems I like...

...this is the cutest. In the midst of studying for my exams, I found a poem I liked. Well, to be more accurate, buried in the tons of backdated readings, I have finally read Seminar 9 of Discourse of Arguementation. In it, I came across a poem I really like. It's enchanting, cute and not at all morbid (unlike my favourite Emily Dickinson "Because I could not stop for Death")

The Fog

The fog comes
on little cat feet.

It sits looking
over harbour and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.

Carl Sandberg

Thursday, November 03, 2005


One Raya gone and am still standing. Sort of - more like standing at half- mast. Staggered home last night and collasped on the bed. Woke up at 11.30 am - lucky me. My whole family had to work today. Groan. And I had school. (Am at school actually. Hee hee. More boring presentations.)

Exams are coming and I haven't finished my readings. Have a whole stack about 30 cm in height when piled up. Ha ha. I had let my readings pile up, geddit? HT proposals due on Mon. Am a dispirited student...person actually. And hordes of icky children are going to descend on my house soon. YOWWWWW!

Thanks Banu for a cheery message. As you can see, am taking things more philosophically. Ha.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I am the Raya Grinch

If there is a time for social obligations, this is it. Incessent rounds of visiting, entertaining guests (and given what I have to do - short of juggling and fire-eating: entertain kids I can't stand! - entertain is exactly the word I am looking for) and the cleanups before and after. I hate Hari Raya!

This year, things are not much better - am married to an Adik. Ha ha. My sister loves Raya...and so does my husband. Jolly good times! Ha ha. And of the matching clothes variety. Groan. Kuih raya making is "Yippie!", visiting people "Huzzah!" and "Joy to the world". Ay ay ay. Tak boleh angkat, seh.

So, on Tues (designated Kuih Day), we made kuih and I did what I never thought I would - produce my own batch of kuih. Induced by husband dearest, of course. He gave the "muka kesian" (pathetic expression), and a "I want to eat YOUR kuih". Good grief.

Last night, I hastily completed a final assignment. What a way to Raya mood. And today, it's meet people day. And I can't even sleep after Subuh because someone is leading Raya prayers and I have to follow - which means getting ready bright and early when it's not even bright (okay, am exagerating. But still!).

Finally, still loving you......(think 1980s song people!)

Oh yeah. To all my dear friends: Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir Batin. Especially if I am extra "mulut laser" this year. That includes my non-Muslim friends - a thousand apologies for any wrongdoings. :D