Friday, July 21, 2006

Let's burn 'em baseball bats...

Found this while helping my mum do some research. While I don't agree with everything, I sure agree with the sentiment. :D

But I agree whole heartedly with dayo from new jersey, whoever s/he is.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Sisterly love

At the request of adikins, some chain letter shite (shit? crap? oh no! sorry adikins the bowlderizer) answered:

24 relationship questions
1) Single, Taken, or Crushin?

2) Are you happy with who you are?
Sometimes, on my better days.

3) When you meet the right person, do you fall fast?
Time is relative.

4) Have you ever had your heart broken?
No. No one interested me enough and the one person who did loves me.

5) Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is acceptable?

6) Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you?
See question 5.

7) Have you talked about marriage with another?
Not that I can recall.

8) Do you want children?

9) How many children you want?
Depends on God, and how tired I am of the whole endeavour after one.

10) Would you consider adoption?
No, why take care of someone else's kid when I am not even sure of the prospect of taking care of my own?

11) If somebody liked you right now, what do you think a cool way to let you know would be
Telling me he likes me. Gifts, expensive ones, would be nice too. Unless it's some awful chunky jewellery. Then, can I get cash?

12) Do you enjoy playing hard to get?
Only with people I don't care about.

13) Be honest, do you play the "game" when you are dating?
What game? There's a game?! I do love games.

14) Do you believe in love at first sight?

15) Are you romantic?

16) Do you believe that you can change someone?

17) If you could get married anywhere, money not an object, where would it be?

19) Do you easily give in when you are fighting?
Depends on the topic.

20) Do you have feelings for someone right now?

21) Have you ever wished you could've had someone but you messed it up?
Not really.

22) Have you ever broken a heart?
Hah! According to a slow-poke a-hole who subsequently treated his girlfriend badly AND had a girlfriend while supposedly pining for me, yes.

24) Would you ever fight somebody over your significant other?
No. If he wants to stray, the 'somebody' can have him. Good riddance!

For those who feel like putting this up on their blogs.... :D

Adik, mana 23?

Alternative voices - We are not alone!

Was reading some articles on BBC (ha ha...I do read the news sometimes) and came across this :

"Because being childfree-by-choice is rather frowned upon by our kidcentric society, finding information (or links to information) is difficult. Most of us are almost afraid to ask someone who might know where we can find what we're looking for. . .the disapproving stares and cries of, "How can you not want children?!" often send us into a form of "hiding." We feel like freaks and don't realize exactly how many of us and exactly how much information is actually out there. This site attempts to remedy that problem."

Ha ha ha. "How can you not want children?" *wiping tears of mirth* Why is that even a question? Ha ha ha.

Although I am not decrying having children, I am all for the freedom of choice. Why must everyone want children? Well, it makes me feel so much better that I am not alone in this. :D

Monday, July 10, 2006

Hee hee hee.

"Take it like a man, if that is what you are"

Moving on up, M People

Ha ha ha.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Popping in

After a month or so of super-busyness, I have finally returned. Not too sure if anyone is reading this, but if my friends are like me, I would say some would read occasionally, if only to check up on me. :) Hi all!

It's funny how Ain, Azah and I have our busy periods and not so busy periods together. I guess that helps when we are trying to meet; still, quite bizzare how things seem to coincide. Anyway, I hope the easing of my scheduled activities holds true for them soon.

Nothing much going on in my life - seems to be endless rounds of errands. I sure hope this is not what life is about.

In the midst of all that, I managed to come up with my own 'cleverism' *masuk bakul angkat sendiri*. Since I am so proud of it, I will share it with you : The road to nowhere leads to despair. (Copyrighted, okay! Unless someone else have come up with it indepedently. Then, damn!)

A parting quote, from a favourite song of mine "Un dia normal" (A normal day) by Juanes:

"(N)unca sabes lo que tienes hasta que lo pierdes lamentablemente nunca vuelve"

One never knows what one has until it is lost, and lamentably it never returns.

Not that I have lost anything in particular recently, but I thought it was a nicely put.