Monday, July 17, 2006

Alternative voices - We are not alone!

Was reading some articles on BBC (ha ha...I do read the news sometimes) and came across this :

"Because being childfree-by-choice is rather frowned upon by our kidcentric society, finding information (or links to information) is difficult. Most of us are almost afraid to ask someone who might know where we can find what we're looking for. . .the disapproving stares and cries of, "How can you not want children?!" often send us into a form of "hiding." We feel like freaks and don't realize exactly how many of us and exactly how much information is actually out there. This site attempts to remedy that problem."

Ha ha ha. "How can you not want children?" *wiping tears of mirth* Why is that even a question? Ha ha ha.

Although I am not decrying having children, I am all for the freedom of choice. Why must everyone want children? Well, it makes me feel so much better that I am not alone in this. :D


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