Saturday, July 08, 2006

Popping in

After a month or so of super-busyness, I have finally returned. Not too sure if anyone is reading this, but if my friends are like me, I would say some would read occasionally, if only to check up on me. :) Hi all!

It's funny how Ain, Azah and I have our busy periods and not so busy periods together. I guess that helps when we are trying to meet; still, quite bizzare how things seem to coincide. Anyway, I hope the easing of my scheduled activities holds true for them soon.

Nothing much going on in my life - seems to be endless rounds of errands. I sure hope this is not what life is about.

In the midst of all that, I managed to come up with my own 'cleverism' *masuk bakul angkat sendiri*. Since I am so proud of it, I will share it with you : The road to nowhere leads to despair. (Copyrighted, okay! Unless someone else have come up with it indepedently. Then, damn!)

A parting quote, from a favourite song of mine "Un dia normal" (A normal day) by Juanes:

"(N)unca sabes lo que tienes hasta que lo pierdes lamentablemente nunca vuelve"

One never knows what one has until it is lost, and lamentably it never returns.

Not that I have lost anything in particular recently, but I thought it was a nicely put.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehehe..nasib baik tak masuk bakul tekan lift..

8:22 AM  

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