Thursday, August 23, 2007

A picture is worth a thousand words

but you don't need a thousand words to paint a picture.

Still in the middle of Zafon's "The Shadow of the Wind". Marvelling at the beautiful words and descriptions. I like sharp and concise phrases that convey more in ten words than most others do with a paragraph.

(Started some poetry too - will update on foray soon.)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Splish Splash Fun

Bought a mini pool for Rehan cos he loves the water so much. Look at his happy face!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose

Had a week of TV and books (two things you can do while breastfeeding, fyi) - even watched Bring it on 3, only because Hayden Panettiere (Heroes). My usual: Heroes (Milo V!), Eureka (Buffy-esque sci-fi; very good stuff btw, if you like sci-fi), Dr. Who, Bones (crap, really, but Angel!), CSI:NY, etc etc, which will not interest most people, I bet. Ha ha.

Moving on. Watched "V for Vendetta". Okay, may be a little too late to be raving about it, but I love this show. Started watching because of Hugo Weaving but LOVE the show. Want to find DVD but suspect will go the way of Sin City i.e. not available in Singapore. Grrrr. Most annoying. Watch it if you like the Phillip K Dick sort of fare.

Also, in the middle of Carlos Ruiz Zafon's "The shadow of the wind". Rave, rave. Must read for anyone who loves books. And as a result of his beautiful prose, I have decided to give poetry a go. Found an Emily Dickinson poem I like (yet again, her! must check out anthology) "I felt a funeral in my brain".

Yay. Fun.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Blue Moon (auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu)

Take this test at Tickle

Your signature color is Sterling Blue
You've got a good head on your shoulders and you're not afraid to use it. Serious, intellectual types like you meet their match with a cool color that sparkles with the same striking intelligence as you do. That's why Sterling Blue is the ideal match for you! This is not to say that you've always got your head in a book. Not by any stretch. While you may not be the person at the party kicking off the karaoke, you're probably the one starting up stimulating conversations and making your cohorts chuckle with your quick wit. You're likely to have an insatiable curiosity that's catchy, and friends who know that you are a great person to turn to when they need a logical head to help them sort through their problems. So keep it up with your sterling hue of blue. You probably have a way of keeping things deep that people truly appreciate!
What's Your Signature Color?
Brought to you by Tickle

Saturday, August 11, 2007

A stitch in time

Love my camera!

Birthday 'jakun'

Little Guilin never looked so good

National Day

Labrador Park (try to find the seam)

Thanks Farah - stitching is my new best friend. :) Ready for shootouts? Ha ha.

Finally, me boy sleeping so peacefully.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

The Gentleman Robber

(Gentleman Caller = Death, Gentleman Robber = Time. Geddit? Ha ha)

Last week went by so quickly: Nazir's supposed New York trip that involved packing - and not unpacking (men! guess who has to do it? brrr.), Rehan's injection part 2 and subsequent fever. It is the usual nightmare when Rehan is sick: being irrationally afraid and tired at the same time. Not a good combi.

Today's anthem: Bon Jovi's Greatest Hits - and we are back in the eighties!

Birthday is dawning upon me. Older but not wiser, I think. Isn't that depressing?

This time last year, I was puking my guts up.

This year I have Rehan!

What have I learnt in twenty-five years: people suck, mostly. If that is to be my epitath, I think I need to have my head checked.

Need to focus on the positive! Remember the people who do not suck, namely, Crescentians! and my dear friends and family. Actually, that's quite a lot of people - just overwhelmed by gross people. :P Hence, focus on the positive. (Yah, I know, Nazir!)

Read Carl Hiaasen's "Nature Girl". That is so me. If let loose upon the world.

Birthdays are always a a big deal in my family. This weekend promises loads of fun: celebrations start today with buying my present. Nazir proposed dinner with his family - ha ha. So not the thing for birthday. After twenty five years of celebrating with my family, it has become an unbreakable tradition. I guess it is true that we are a little insular. Ha ha. :) BIG LOVE!