Saturday, August 09, 2008

Chicken Little

(Me: This has been a really difficult week.

Nazir: As if the world is ending. (maybe it makes more sense in Malay)

{Me thinks, if I could be so lucky})

But the world continued functioning even though ours was falling apart. First, my mum was hospitalised and went on 2 week MC. This time, it was MC for real so I had to cook (hate!) and everyone else did various chores. Team Kita, GO! I fell sick, horrible flu, Rehan got the itches which meant little sleep for me, Rehan recovered and then got the flu, and on the same day, whacked his head and got a goose egg for his efforts. A bleeding one at that.

Not the most fun of weeks.

On the upside, birthday was fun (care bear cake!) thanks to dear sisters and got my wishlist perfume - Penhaligon's Lily and Spice (which I am wearing at the moment) and L'Artisan Parfumeur Un te pour un ete, courtesy of sweeto husband and a whole lot of samples gratis and bought. Yay! Am rediscovering the joys of perfume now that it's puke-y no more. Two years without perfume! I am making up for lost time. Tried Serge Lutens and even though lots of perfumistas rave about that (and not Penhaligon's), I care very little for the line. A little too heavy and complicated for my taste. I guess I like the 'simple English style' of perfumery.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

adik loves! make up for difficult week? kesian kita

2:10 AM  

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