Friday, June 06, 2008

Slummy Mummy

Rehan's hat fell on the ground and I picked it up, shook it and crammed it back on his head. One scant year ago I would have shrieked and it would have gone straight to the wash. Ditto sticky fingers (wet wipes,if there are any. If not, hey, my sleeve works.), Rehan's drool etc (again sleeve), and any other baby stuff other people will go eek at.

Have not written in months, not even a party wrap up (figured those who were there won't need to read about it, and, really, I have a feeling only those people who came are the only friends I have left. Ha ha. Motherhood is hard on maintaining friendships.) Now that he is bigger, I am less exhausted because there is less breastfeeding, but have less time cos he's apt to get into all sorts of trouble unsupervised. And let me tell you, he's damned fast!

Barney is Rehan's new best friend! And I have Barney CDs now! How the mighty has fallen.

Rave TV stuff: Eureka (Season 2 on StarWorld. Solid sci-fi, cutie Sheriff Carter. What more can a girl want? Other than Rose and the Doctor getting together.)

Terminator : The Sarah Connor Chronicles. (Season 1 just started on Ch 5, while AXN just wrapped it up. How fortuitous.)

And...Barney! Ha ha. Not.


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