Feeling lucky just to be here tonight
And happy just to be me and be alive
-Jennifer Lopez, "Alive"
Evidently, have bounced back - even on 4 hours of sleep. :D
Feeling lucky just to be here tonight
"Yo te quiero porque tu dolor es mi dolor."
Have just had one of the shittiest weeks of my life. Details will just bore everyone but let's just say NUS administration sucks. So much so that I am reduced to swearing.
In a crazy mood; sick, drugged up, and vibrating at a different frequency from reality.
From tomorrow's TNP:
The Blog Gestapo is menacing a certain junior college in Singapore at the moment. Singapore's last refuge for freedom of speech is being threatened by nameless, insignificant tin-gods. And now, they have reduced me to sounding like a hysterical newspaper writer (I just had to make that dig).
This post is triggered by yesterday's Berita Minggu - but due to a rather thick pile of papers to read, it had been postponed for a better day.
Super mad at Trillian and MSN. Screwed up systems or something. Hate computers that don't work. Micro - sodding - soft. Frust frust frust.
If anyone had been to NUS, or had the misfortune to take 96 to NUS, they would realize quickly the intrusion of something I affectionately call the blight of public transportation...the wonderful TV mobile!!! Today, I had to take 96, instead of my usual 189 and the first thing that greeted me was Taufik and whats-her-name singing the national day song. Apparently, still stuck with national fervour, bopping (and a five, five six seven eight; rhythm not being too plentiful all around)to the music. I was compelled, the way people are to road accidents and The Artist Formerly known as Prince (or is it currently?), to watch the damned video. Sorry, Taufik, I really like you but that video is too much. It struck me, how absurdly 'progressive' Singaporeans are. The message was, basically to move forward, make Singapore proud by winning awards etc. Why can't we be grateful to the cogs once in a while? The people who make things function - like people who clean the loos. When they are not there, trust me, everyone will miss them. But we don't see them winning awards, ergo, they are not there. Where are the little people? The people who have to take the crap? It's all very well to have vision, excellence and all that rot, but what about those who get us to the vision - even if it is just by cleaning up after the visionary? Even they have to take a crap sometimes, and I don't mean at meetings. (Ha.)
My Sunday morning had been spent (wonderfully) with my dear sisters. Over vadai and juice, my sisters and I read the newspapers, laughing cruelly at leaps of logic, shockingly bad English, bad phrases, and generally bad writing. Wendy Cheng has rekindled an interest in newspapers in me, an amazing feat. Today's gem: "donkey's ears" instead of "donkey years". Erm,'s one thing to publish bad English, but bad SINGLISH! Wah lau! Tak boleh angkat, seh. [~loosely translated: Why, it's more than I can bear!]
I met a good friend from university yesterday. By an odd quirk of fate, I ended up behind her in the line for 96. We ended up having a great time, chatting for some hours over tea and lemonade in school about books and films. I do not often meet people I like talking to, but when I do, I love to keep in touch with them. So, here's to a great chat, minerva!
Ha ha. Am in a corny mood today. I just met a dear friend today - we exercised (!) together, and had breakfast. It was so fun! I missed having my friends a phone call away.
Arrived at 7.45am yesterday. It was one of the most horrible flights I had ever taken - interminable boredom and turbulence. But, alhamdullilah, the baggage was cleared without a comment, no heinous security checks, baggage arrived and I got to sit at the window seat next to a very nice Australian couple. Other than the awfulness of the flight, it all went went. Travelling is a pain in the butt, literally. Again I wish there were transporters.