Saturday, August 27, 2005

Long time coming

"Yo te quiero porque tu dolor es mi dolor."
(I love you because your pain is my pain)
- Juanes, 'Para tu amor', in Mi sangre.

Had a wonderful time yesterday - sisterly bonding and ice cream with a very dear friend. After the stresses of the previous week, I had decided to give myself a day off...only to be confronted with a pile of work today. Ha ha. Not feeling stressed about it - still don't care about assigments. Read Lexicology reading yesterday - just a bit of light reading. Was quite interesting.

It was fantastic to see Ain again (after two weeks. Ha ha). We had ice cream (yum), checked out cute waiter (sorry to both our dearests) and talked. I am glad that I have a couple of friends (Ain especially) with whom I have reached a certain comfort level - enough for us to not need to apologize for anything and to share almost everything (excepting those facts bordering on indecent, eh?). Although, I must say, Ain and I have reached beyond comfort level...after knowing each other for sixteen years, it's hard to be just 'friends'. We've seen each other at our best and worst...and still remained good friends. You can't beat that.

Yet, sometimes friendships change - those you have thought were your friends would disappear...when you have ceased to be interesting to them...only to reappear when it is convienient for them. Then, there are others with whom you thought you had shared a close friendship with, only to find, when shit hith the fanth, they were not such a friend after all. You also have those with whom you are perpetually uncertain as to the status of your friendship. :S

Here's to friendship - the good and the bad.

But, of course, there is no friend like a sister! Huggies!


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