Have been taping people's conversations for my HT and not analyzing anything yet. I hate my HT with a passion - anything is better than writing it. (Ergo, not a word have been written. Really.) This is the new me - slacker and sleepy. I have read somewhere being sleepy all the time is a sign of depression. Oh dear. You know things are bad when the prospect of switching on the computer makes you want to burst into tears.
Totally embarassed when some Americans I have gotten to know say things like, "gosh", "darn" and such bowlderized swearing. Used to Brit coms and a somewhat laissez-faire bunch of friends (Adik excluded), such gentle manners made me clean up my language, somewhat. Isn't it weird to learn manners from Americans? Hee hee. I should really put my previous comment in context - I have long felt irritated by a superior, holier than thou attitudes certain sectors of my community has wrt the (decadent/big bad) West. Villifying the other side (there shouldn't BE an other side, but hey, welcome to the real world) is so not okay. Right...
Still, my censored streak aside, am very amused by a shortened form - wtf expression. (go figure that one out yourself. Ain't that hard.) Very descriptive, I thought.
Have been informed by a cousin that another cousin finds me intimidating. Hilarious - am always uncomfortable with said cousin and always wrack my brains for small talk (not a skill of mine, I assure you). Nice to know my efforts at FRIENDLINESS is wasted. Darn it (ha ha), I should have just glowered at everyone, as per my usual state of being. Am sadly reminded of another failed attempt at encouraging, viz. sister's fiancee. Poor sod (is that a swear word? this is bad...can't even distinguish the two. ) had quailed upon meeting me. And during a meet the parents session when I was trying to look encouraging! Do I have a tiger's smile? *smile* (I'm gonna eat you up?) Ha ha.
Something I have not found out : why "only fools and horses"?
A show I have decided to follow. Old BBC comedy but hilarious nonetheless. Upon informing my family I wish to embark on an "Only fools and horses" journey, daddy dearest had to ask the question. Why the phrase "only fools and horses". Indeed. Cause am too lazy to look it up, putting it up on the blog would remind me to do so later. And if anyone knows, that would really save me a trip to the dictionary.
Have also fallen for the O.C. After a year or so since Farah's recommendation, I have finally watched the show, properly. It's really quite good. Hee hee. How the mighty have fallen. I like the blond guy, not mr. hottie, dark haired, by the bye. [Sorry Farah, I do think Ryan is funnier than Seth. But they are funniest together.]Quite a change from my usual taste, but I seem to have a proclivity towards the morally ambigous, bad boy-loser (par example, Spike in Buffy) - in TV though not in reality. In reality, I will fall out of my chair laughing.