Day of rest
Sunday is definately not the day of rest. It is a day of endless wedding receptions. Maddening, tiring and irritating weddings. To quote, well, myself, "There's nothing to smile about. I am going to a wedding."
The thing I hate most about having to attend weddings is that they are always crowded with people you do not know. Worse, having attend a wedding where you do not know either bride or groom, or the parents of bride or groom, or anyone related to the wedding. So, why are you there at all? Because your husband is the son-in-law's son's brother's friend (Okay, an exageration).
So, as is evident, I went to a wedding today. At least this time I know some people (connection to bride and groom is somewhat spurious though). Highlights: great clothes and bangra. That's about it really. And, no one asking when I am having a baby. A first, I am sure, for any function with more than 2 people.
Maybe I am just tired, disgruntled with life in general, discolouring my worldview somewhat.
Anyway, I hated having to attend my own wedding! Weddings should be small and full of people you love - like your friends and (selected) family members (gross cousins are to be excluded. Ha ha). Really, the weddings I actually enjoyed going to are where I meet my friends at a friend's wedding. But, as I am continually reminded by reality checks, this is not an ideal world. In an ideal world, everyone would recycle. And not use recycling bins as rubbish bins. But I digress.