Thursday, January 05, 2006

Waiting for the right kind of pilot to come

Have just finished reading "Thirty bytes of solitude" by Lawrence Robinson, finally, after a couple of days worth of fines and a renewal. This holiday has not been good to me - rather busy and I have no idea what I really did. Okay, so I did do all my errands but that was it. I spent my holidays running errands?! God, am such a spaz. I haven't even read the books a fellow sci-fi-er lent me. And I will be meeting him next week. Ugh. The books have been in my possession for a couple of months. Ha ha. So has Farah's FYP which I still haven't watched! What is happening to me?

Bollocks. Iriver shut down on me. Wholly unrelated to tech woes but since I have digressed, the thought of returning for my (hopefully) final semester and worrying about getting the darned (started out really trying to cut down on swearing. It's starting to embarrass even me. Here anyway.) modules have wreaked havoc on my stomach. It's either ulcers or gastric, both stressed induced. Or it could just be indigestion due to downing "may have laxative effect" sweets in a futile attempt to cure my cough.

"Thirty bytes of solitude" was pretty good - a book of my life. I seem to have an affinity for anti-heroes of the sharp wit variety who are angry with the screwy world (Christopher Brookmyre, Carl Hiaasen and now Lawrence Robinson). Usually British and in love with psychotic women. Hope that is not a bad sign. :(

Funny (non-ha ha sort) how my taste in music and books have changed. And not changed. Started with feminin (Malay girl band of the early nineties) and ended (for the present) with Shakira and opera. But there is a common thread nonetheless. Loved Malay rock bands of the Eighties persuasion (still do!) and ended with French rock. So, not that far off. And always, a taste for the wacky in my books, be it sci-fi or thriller (not much of that now). I remember the first book I genuinely liked (as opposed to reading because me mum told me to). Harriet the Spy. Sly digs at the world a la Hiaasen it may not be, but there is a sense of irrevance about these books that I still like. Of course, sci-fi has been a constant - from my first love (Asimov's Foundation series) to current reads.

Still, when I think about my life in relation to books and music, really, I was aiming for romances and pop - something light and feel-good. Not quite "Thirty bytes of solitude" and "To the moon and back" (Savage Garden). Somewhere along the way, reality butted in. So did people. ;)


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