Saturday, January 21, 2006

Blank screen

Am staring at the empty "compose" screen and had a realization that I have no idea what to write. This is more the case of "while the cat's away", the cat being my sister who had been on the Net for the past hours and finally stepped away to the toilet. Seize the day! Only to find there was nothing to seize (that's the same spelling for french "seven" I think. Not that it is connected, but random thoughts seemed appropriate for today). My life have been quite boring of late - school stuff. God, I'm just waiting for the torture to end. Hoping it will end with a bang, namely a London trip for Nazir's commencement. Maybe even Ireland, or Scotland before that. (Or Italy but I promised my sister we would go together. Hrrrr.rah?)

As usual, Nazir is very busy - never thought I was clingy but here I am whining everytime he leaves. My eldest sister is embarking upon a new job - fresh challenges and all that. Not quite a piece of cake (ha ha)...the jury is still out on that. Am hoping Adik writes something - I like reading her stuff. My own career is non-existant and I hope I do not have to think of it, at least until the end of the year. Despite my proclaimations of wanting tai-tai-dom, I love things too much. Don't think Nazir can support my shopping habits indefinately. Although, it was all his fault to begin with. Hah! See, if he had not complained about my lack of "elegant" clothes (don't ask - it's a boy term. So vague. Tsk.), my wardrobe tending to kawaii Japan-ness, I would not have embarked on a huge wardrobe makeover and subsequently being obsessed over shoes and bags, amongst other things! So it's all his fault. Ha ha.

Side note - writing a book is not as easy as it seems. Neither is writing a HT! As you might have guessed, both projects are stalling.

On to other news, my friends have persuaded me to take up exercise. So, with due thanks to dearest fit friends, I had. Did the whole workout thang, and it turned out okay. Of course, it helped Azah was with me - I would never do the damned thing if she wasn't there, me thinks. So, in conclusion, am more sociable than I had thought - I even need people to exercise. There is hope for me yet, eh? Speaking of, wish I had time to meet up with other friends, namely, Lin, SK, Amal (I wonder how the baby is too!), Banu and Farah. Now, though, everyone's busy - including self. :-( Hopefully, I will see you on the other side come July, dear friends, and pop the champange (of non-alcoholic variety, of course. hee.) .


Blogger minerva said...

Ah yes, how true, dear Az.
well, i do hope Ur HT wk will pick up its pace soon & that it'll prove a fruitful time too:)

it's great that U've started working out - i've also just started on hatha yoga lately, smth i'd always wanted to pick up ;) Gd luck with Urs!

yeah, missin' the ol' times too - but our frenetic lives don't seem to show much mercy, do they..

U take care, dear Az & Bestest wishes for evtg,
hugs & love, minerva*
p.s. btw, i'll still drop by Ur place herre

9:27 PM  
Blogger Azah said...

yay yay looking forward to more gym session with you!! the last one was fun wasn't it?! hehe

5:34 AM  
Blogger fZi said...

Fahfi don't want to show us book. Bad!

but lovies!

1:50 AM  

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