Monday, April 18, 2005

The end is here...

...of Nazir's essays! Ha ha. No worries, this is not a gloomy, doomy, end-of-the-world (although the world is ending in the Next world! Read review below) blog. Am v happy, have hardly anything to be gloomy about. After one whole week of inadvertant computer ban, as Nazir frantically finished his essays (all three of them! Sigh, the days gone by....and looming for me!), I have read two Nora Roberts books, re-read I, Robot and finished two (of four) Jasper Fforde books. Since Adik insisted I reviewed them, and she did recommend the v enjoyable books, I shall now do so.

The Eyre Affair starts the ball rolling. Thursday Next, a LiteraTec Operative, has to defeat Acheron Hades (hee), villian extraordinaire, who had kidnapped Jane Eyre, and threatened to kill her. What book would Jane Eyre be without Jane? Quite a pickle. In "Lost in a good book", Next's husband had been eradicated and only she has memories of him. She must out-manuever the Goliath Corporation (double hee), save the world from becoming pink goo, and defeat an enemy she cannot remember. Jolly good times, that, eh?

My views: Let's see. Off the top of my head, they are funny; full of puns (Fforde is a man after my own heart!) and hysterical book characters. Not just his characters but chracters from other books - like Sense and Sensiblity (his Marriane had me in stitches), Rochester of Jane Eyre (inspiring me to actually read the book). Can't say the Bronte sisters are my cup of tea; the things I find laughable in the heroes, he does. You can see why I love the books. Best of all, it's the kind of funny without being yaya papaya. I do hate pretentious, quote-dropping kind of 'clever'.

As to what the books are, well, I can't really place them in any genre. Not a bad thing - I do think that the best books are the unclassifiable. It just is. Best description I can come up with - a touch of Eoin Colfer, Hiaasen and literature 101, all rolled into one. But they are not derivative, so even that description does not do them justice.

Have not arrived at the book with Heathcliff in anger management (am laughing like a loon even at the thought) that my sister told me about but am eagerly anticipating it. There's nothing like losing yourself in a good book. Triple hee.

All in all - highly recommended. :D


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