Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Batty old lady

On Sunday, Nazir's attention was caught by the sound of the shifting trash cans. As it was not the garbage disposal day, we peeked out of our window, only to find our neighbour, an old Polish woman, cleaning them. She started cleaning hers, then proceeded to clean ours. Why clean trash cans at all? Then, she put all her rubbish into the next door neighbour's can (ours was empty, incidentally). We had quite a laugh at that, truth be told.

Well, that incident explains little mysteries - like how our trash can is always empty, even before trash day, how the recycling mysteriously disappears before its time. Sigh. Now, I only take out the recycling on the day itself to ensure things actually gets recycled.

Anyway, the very next day, we heard more noises. Our dear neighbour was cleaning the garden. With her around, we don't need to do much, I must say. Then, Nazir remarked that she might have been like me when she was young; slightly obsessive over laundry and cleaning. Now, at a ripe old 80, bored with nothing to do, she cleans trash cans. Err....I might be batty already, but not that right?

Still, it is an interesting question, isn't it? What we would be like when we are old. Or what our mothers were like when they were young. Were they like us? Are we destined for makcik-dom? Or just plain weird old lady, living downstairs/upstairs, in my case?

Ramble, ramble.


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