Wednesday, February 23, 2005

All's well with the world

There is no greater feeling in the world than to step into a library. For me, at least. When I enter a library, all my cares fall away and all is well with the world. Yeah, it's a crappy world we live in but any place with a library has to have some good in it. People go to pubs to drown their sorrows - err...I go to the library. What to do, am a nerd.
This feeling of general well-being has been with me the whole day. It has been a perfect day - I went to the Hornsey Library today and got a library card. Now, I can go to the library anytime and borrow up to eight books for three weeks etc etc. Although my experience has been eight books will last me just over a week - eight days probably. It was dead easy to get a card; no fuss and no cost. Oh joy! And at the checkout, the lady offered me a bag for my eight books. THAT greedy today.
I walked home (about 10 min close! Joy oh joy!) with a silly grin on my face. I sort of did not notice until people smiled back at me. One even said hello in a friendly fashion. Gee, that's not sth one would get in Singapore. That made my already great day much much better. See what a smile can do. :D So, get smiling people! (Btw, sorry for the giddiness. Am rather drunk.;P)


Blogger dew embun said...

you know,this pple smiling at you when you have a stupid smile on yr face phenomena?
It happens in S'pore too lah...
At least for me.
You know how animated I can be when conversing...even via the phone,especially with the handsfree.
And sometimes,even after the conversation,I would have the smile on my face and the makciks would be smiling at me.
Try it babe!
Anywherelah...afterall,a smile is universal....

7:55 PM  

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