Friday, May 20, 2005

Brand New Day

For someone who hated tech, I am really taking to this blog thing. I suppose, it's cause I see a point to reading my friends' blogs - and there's some form of interaction through comment pages, those tag boards (which I don't know how to do!!! ha ha). Am really enjoying myself. It's these little things I guess that keep people together - even an inveterate hermit like me. Perhaps am really not a hermit after all as I seem to need (select) people around me.

Been curled up at home - a touch of frost this week. Spring is a really weird season, summery at times, wintery at others. A wee bit of everything. Have just finished "Bath Tangle" by Georgette Heyer. Finally. It had taken me a week - I just couldn't sit down and read it through for some reason. Am finding less patience for romances now; I wonder why. Even the good ones. I find myself skimming just to get to the end. In fact, it is a rare book indeed that can engage me. (Amongst which are Eoin Colfer's, Carl Hiaasen's and Jasper Fforde's.) I have reached a plateau in reading. Maybe that's why I am dipping into genres I rarely read three years ago. Such as fantasy... have just borrowed four of the Discworld series by Terry Prachett. And classics-something I detested previously. But I guess that is what reading is all about - discovery and adventure.

What makes a good book for you? To me, a good book should entertain. Most of all, it should be funny - not necessarily rip-roaring, side-splitting funny, but generate amusement. Some might say it should be thought-provoking but I do not agree. At least not at the moment of reading - it distrupts the reading process, I think. A fantastic book would entertain right to the end but when you put it down, then, even some time after you have finished, some thoughts related to it might occur. You know what I mean? It seems to me, there is a divide on this with the serious literary sorts on one side and the pop culture sort (me!) on the other. Though my younger older sister (hee), Adik and a good friend, Banu don't really fall in either category so perhaps there isn't such a dichotomy. Evidence to the contrary and all that. Why do I even bother classifying things? - other than the fact am incredibly anal and organized.

It's really quite scary to find myself thinking of life in terms of a narrative. Everything has to have a neat ending, every action some purpose. But life doesn't quite work out that way. And people do not necessarily act in a consistent manner, especially me. Unfortunately, one cannot but help wishing otherwise. :S

Disparate (well, not wholly distinct) thoughts circling my head. Nazir is intent in his revision - exams next week!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

salam, hi azrifah. i came across your blog thrugh ain's blog. You may not remember me.. this is shahida.. err maybe you know me better as kak shahida. I was the muslimah IC at nus dulu, then u were treasurer for some time , remember? Anyway, i came across your blog and one thing caught my eye... "londoneye"!!! You are staying in london? wow! alhamdulilah.. Coincidently, I am going over manchester and london this june! hee. And if ain and lieja are reading this, a big HI to the both of u as well. And, ain, i came across your blog through someone else's also.. small world

10:01 AM  
Blogger fZi said...

Selamat Maju Jaya, Nazir!

3:58 AM  
Blogger minerva said...

Hey Az,
Thks for the sweet mention & the engaging read (of ur post). Agree with ur 'what makes a book engaging' opinion.. tt's how i rem i felt after finishing LOTR. Highly thought-provoking aft a while..
& as for categorization - smtimes i thk it's a human way to recollect thgs better when it is organised in neater classes, rgt?

Best wishes to Nazir for the exams.
Take care,

9:24 AM  
Blogger minerva said...

Oh yes, sorry - i forgot to incl this earlier.
As for tagboards, i thk there are many poss. choices like, or Shoutbox or Flooble... U cld try googling for 'em or reading reviews to help choose 1 you like.
Hope tt helped.

Take care & Wishes,

9:36 AM  
Blogger az/fah said...

Hi (Kak) Shahida. Yup, I in London until July - then, am going back to school. Thanks for leaving a comment...small world indeed. :D

To Banu: True - and I need all the memory aids I can get. Hee. And thanks for the tagboard tip. If sucessful, there will be one up soon.

10:27 AM  
Blogger xpidemic17 said...

Hi kak Shahida!! How hv u been? Anyway, whose blod did you come across mine in?

8:39 PM  

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