Life begins
Rehan Faris bin Nazirudin was born on 22 March 2007, 14:59; the champ weighing in at 3.1 kg.
Yep - my little Rehan is here. Finally. The past few days have been horribly hectic as everyone tries to adjust to a new (wonderful) presence. Been kept up at night by breastfeeding (it's more difficult than all these 'breast is best' people try to potray. hah!) but despite snoozing over him - it's all worth it when he smiles. Of course, my family and husband have been invaluable through this ... big thanks and big hugs all around. I don't know how single mothers do it.
I love both of you so much.
Somehow, I have been coping well, when on other occasions, I could have most definitely stopped functioning from all the running around and insufficient rest.
It must be joy, happiness and smiles of both my Rehan and Jiji that keeps me alive and full of energy.
May Allah and His Prophet keep both of you in their care always - and may every single sacrifice of yours be rewarded by the Al-Mighty, Sayang.
hello.. good morning dearest Rehan!! hhahaha.. not forgetting u too az!! congrats again to ur whole family. ko nie mcm aspiration for me.. somehow or rather it did change my perception on having kids n getting married.
thanks alot..i hope u have a blessed & beautiful life ahead.. i better work my butt off so i can ge married n have kids.. love u guys!!
I love baby! and babybun always! takes the edge of crappy school days.
az... congrats! sorry havent been able to see de new bundle of joy.. will see u soon...
ur baby damn cute lah... :)
WAAAAAH!! Feel the love!!!
Nurul: Marriage and baby is only fun with the right guy.
Sayang: I guess that makes you the right guy. Natch.
Adik: Big love! Big love! And triple big love!
Er...siapa stranger? Betul2 stranger lah. But anyway, come and see baby soon lah.
Oh, lovely picture of chweet family! :)
Glad to know both Mom & baby are well.
And Rehan's a beautiful name.
May all of you be blessed with bliss, love, warmth, good health & wonder forevermore.
Hugs & love, minerva*
p.s. U look lovely, btw, Az*
*Az, just a quickie note here..
Do come by my place if U've the time, yea: Jus' a 'lil *minervan tribute* to a dear friend ;)
Take care & Stay special,
Hugz & Hi to 'lil Rehan,
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