Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Two days and counting...

It is two a.m. and I am waiting for the CORS website to login and check on my modules - the perils of working from a different time zone. I am quite sleepy and tired as I have been packing, unpacking, repacking, tossing things...good God, I have bought quite a lot of shoes in 11 months.

I am trying my damnest not to think of the impending separation from Nazir. Ok, I may seem blase sometimes, and not given to public declarations of love. Sigh. Silly me. It's only two months, innit? But two months is quite a long time, especially when one has spent every waking and non-waking second with a fella.

I remember crying at Mauritius (ooh, secret's out) because I missed my mother so much. It was the first time I had ever been away from home. Given the lack of attention I pay my mother when at home, it is surprising that I cried so much. It was my bloody honeymoon too! I guess one can never know when emotions will hit.

Double sigh.

The only good news of the week: I got four of my modules and am waiting for the final one. :D


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Querida Mi Amor,

I shall fear none to declare my love to you publicly.

Eres mi heroina. You've made me strong and wise, and most importantly, realise the value of love and companionship.
I cherish very dearly every single moment we have spent together, and these memories will live on in our consciousness, despite being thousands of miles apart.

I am not truthful to say I can cope easily, for the sight of you when I open my eyes brings so much joy to my day. But let's be strong together, for God shall bring me back to you soon. Remember Love, this separation can only make us stronger.

And if you miss me wherever you are, just look into your pocket :)))

Te quiero con toda mi alma, Azrifah. (^>^)
Te quiero y te echo de menos

2:32 AM  

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