Monday, June 27, 2005

Death and Taxes

Today was another boring day. I went to post DS9 DVD, dropped off my drycleaning, and went to the library. Took out three books - two of which are Prachett's Discworld series. Am a big fan. Hilarious stuff. Then, went and bought "Soul Music", which has Death in it. Yay to Death!

All in all, another boring day. But in a good sort of way. Do you ever have such normal days? I love normal days. Seriously. I think being normal is underrated. Everyone (generalization) wants to be different. But try being different for a day. It's not...normal. Ha ha. The ironic thing is that I want to be normal. But wanting to be normal is not normal. Well, although, I think I'm different, which is what a lot of people think they are, which makes me somewhat normal, right? That would be a relief.

Err, head spinning yet? Don't worry. Just being me. Ha ha.

Finally, another Spike Milligan quote: "I can't see the sense in it [his honorary CBE] really. It makes me a Commander of the British Empire. They might as well make me a Commander of Milton Keynes - at least that exists."



Blogger minerva said...

Intg impression of normalcy, dear Az!

Am not totally sure of ur impression, but if you are referring to 'being normal' as including such thgs as:
wishing to be plain ol' ourselves, w/o the superficialities or cosmetic/farcical masks of pretence many take up once they step outside their personal realm of Self,
the firmness to be oneself and oneself alone-unswayed by whatever trends (of Values, beliefs, fashion,etc.) may come.. if that wld be considered 'normal' by ur stds, then maybe we cld be in the same boat;)

Take care & warm wishes,
p.s. sometimes, methks tt one's most normal - and most alive (at least in my case, and by the above rambling defn) amongst the pple dearest to me*

3:44 AM  
Blogger az/fah said...

Heh. I feel most normal around those dearest to me too - but mainly because they speak the same language! Ha ha. ;P

Take care!

9:20 AM  

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