The best things in life have hidden costs
Thanks to Ain, Azah, Kamal and Ros for an entertaining evening! :-)
You asked (;P) how I am finding life at home with baby.
The short answer: boring.
The long answer: While I have my hands full, have more things to do than hours in a day, it is the same tedious things...laundry, poopy diapers...well, one gets the picture. But (BUT!) there are really bright spots - like when Rehan gives me the gummiest of gummy grins, with 'battery water' (saliva) dripping while sitting in a diaper full of poo, as if to say "I know I pooped and you have to clean it, but, hey, see how cute I am. Isn't it worth it?" (ha ha). Or when he gurgles in response to a story I read him, as if commenting on how silly the emperor (of new clothes fame) is.
Everything is done, dishes and laundry done (usually Nazir does the former [thanks, love!] but today he's all burnt out, snoozing over the net, even!), Rehan is asleep. It's my favourite time of day, when there's nothing to do and I can just gaze at my beautiful boys, and be happy.
Sometimes I feel guilty of being so happy with domesticity. Shouldn't I be doing something else? The feminist streak wonders if settling in the typical female role, no matter how happy I am, is setting back feminism a month (hey, am not that narcissistic as to my impact on the world)? Yes, I know feminism is all about having choice and, I guess, I am lucky to have the choice that many don't. But to choose this? Is that doing anything to change the world?
Anyway. Just random thoughts.
At least my biggest problem is happiness, eh? :D
ex POST facto: thanks (belatedly) for the mother's day wishes, farah! your forgetful friend remembered your birthday a week before and a week after but not the day itself. go figure. so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Or rather: Have a good year!
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