Tuesday, March 07, 2006

New friends...and old

Woke up at six (that's a.m.!) to do my tutorial and ended up just printing notes (cause I don't know how to do and am asking dear sister to help). Yesterday, received two friendster invite - one from a new friend :D, and the other, surprisingly, from someone I have not seen since primary school. I am amazed that she remembered me - especially since I needed some time to figure out who she was. Ha ha. We did use to hang out a lot in primary school, so perhaps I shouldn't be surprised. It's just that my memory for people is bad, and, somehow, narcisstically, I hold everyone else to my standards.

Having accepted the request, and logging in friendster after a long time (really, if it wasn't for Adik's blog!), I looked through my 55 friends, and realized that my memory was as bad as I thought it was. Translation: it took great effort for me to remember some people. :S Not having a memory like Azah (who incidentally is a great friend to have, esp when it comes to prompting one *me* during social events!), I forgot some people I had on my list.

This reviewing one's friendster list evokes a sense of nostalgia - if not for friendster, I would not be able to contact the people I rarely talk to, but would like to "dengar berita" (hear about? know news of? not the best translator in town, evidently). There are people from my uni days (eman, san) whom I have not seen online and wonder how they are. It's really quite...well, not quite fun really...but interesting (?) to flip through one's memories.

Incidentally, have you had the experience of flipping through your albums and not knowing who you took pictures with? Ha ha. I used to write names on the backs of pictures cause I know how bad my memory can be.


Blogger xpidemic17 said...

thank god u remember me, but dun worry i will make sure u wont ever forget...
heheh! *hugs*

10:49 PM  
Blogger az/fah said...

haa haa. big hugs!

8:31 PM  
Blogger Azah said...

well to have you mentioned my name in the blog then i'm sure i'm not forgotten too. ony wish i can have better memory for other things!

and azrifah... i'm sure there are many out there who wishes to know how you've been doing too.

2:03 AM  

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